Sunday, October 19, 2008

FreeWrite #1

OK! So, I've been waiting for this for like forever. Like every since we were assigned these blogs. I thought we were just gone do whatever not assignments, but its fine, its waaaay more exciting than any essay any day!

So at first my blog was gonna be about shoes and all there glory!! Because I guess you can say I'm a shoe fanatic?? But yeah!... Until!!! I saw this horrible video of a giant spider in a couple's bathroom shower!!!

My Reaction to this Video!!!

Arghhhh!!!! I hate spiders! Eww! Eww! Ewwwwww!!!! Aghhh!!! They give me the "willies" just thinking about them. Aggghhhh!!!! OmG!!! its huge!!! Omg , if I had to ever encounter something like that i would just die!!! I mean that spider is effin BIG!!! HUGE!!! and she said her husband found it while he was in the shower!!!! WHAAATT?!?! I would have died even though, he was a guy!!

And they had to get it out by themselves??! Oh. NO!!! Never In A MILIION BAJILLION KAZILLION TRIMILLENIUM could you get me to remove a spider that big!!! Never! Never Never!!!Eww!!! Something that big would call for extra drastic matters!!! I would have called everybody and they MOMMA! Animal Control, The Police, National Guard, The Army, The Navy, The President, The Senate, The Community, Everybody!!!! To tell the truth, I would've been screamin so hard, I would've turned blue, died, spoke to Jesus, came back, and still would've had enough time to faint!!! Ughhh!! I hate spiders!

I gotta give spiders props though, because I think those are the only things that can get all 3 of my brothers to scream and "run to mommy"! Ha! And they say they're tough! Boy Stop! Yeah but my brothers are strong! But Spiders are a whole different story!!! I thought that this little picture was well needed after seeing that video, and all the pictures that came along with the video:


Its funny and sadly true! Have you ever seen those videos on YouTube where you see big strong men turn into little girls because of something they see??

I have!

When I was 9th grade, my coolest friend Lucas, that I knew since i was in preschool. He was in the 12th grade at this time. At my old school, we were walking back to our building from the gym. Lucas was with his 2 friends and I was with mine. We were on two different parts of the parking lots. But you could see him plain and clear. So we're almost to the school building. I start to hear a little ruckus where Lucas is walking, And I heard one of his friends say," Aye, Luc, you got a. . . . . . on you" Ha! Those were the trigger words! Lucas runs around in a circle, screaming to the top of his lungs, in a Minnie Ripperton voice, "Agh, Agh!!!! Get it off Get it off!!!!" I mean like you had to be there!!! LMAO! Oh yeah, by the way Lucas is a very tall, very muscular, athlete!

But Back To SPIDERS!!!

Eww everything about them makes me hate them!! Their Eyes!

Spider Pictures, Images and Photos

Their Legs!


And then they're too fast to kill!

All their everything!!

And Don't forget those nasty little web things!!! Yuck!!! Those are the worst! Have you ever walked through an area with alot of trees, minding your own business, when you feel yourself walk through a line of web? I think that happens to me at least 3 times a day! I hope its not just me!spider webs Pictures, Images and Photos

I mean people are too big to trap! Why do they have to put them in people's way??

Or how bout this have you ever woke up, and felt apart of you a little more sore the you went to sleep like? Or has something ever itched when you woke up, and the itch happened to have 2 holes?! Well you know what that means! A Spider! Not only did he bite you, but he was in your bed uninvited!!! How rude! Lets have a looksey at a spider bite!


That it was a bite from the Brown Recluse Jerk, I mean spider will do to you! Isn't it horrible, and probably unbearable! The pain! The agony!

And you know what urks my nerves!!! SPIDERMAN!!!

OK so, the ability to move like a spider swinging from web to web, hanging on to walls and ceilings isn't wonderful, don't get me wrong, but in order to do all this you have to get bit by a spider!And after you get bit you become a superhero! Whoopee!!!!That's all dandy! Its a movie! You cant make spiders cool, OK! Gosh!

What's funny about this blog, is that this was supposed to be short, but because I saw a chilling video, it made me wanna describe details about why I DON'T LIKE SPIDERS!!!! They're GROSS! Point.blank! Sorry spiders, there's one more person in the world that hates you!

As my exit more Spider videos!!!

This one is freakin' hilarious!

This one is from our troops in Iraq!

And the name of the spider in the cup, is the notorious camel spider! It is a new found species of spider! It can grow to be huge! Like this one!

Camel Spider Pictures, Images and Photos

Well this has been a blog by!

Andreyaista the Fashionista!

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